
Pulmonology examinations

In 'Nasa Poliklinika' complete pulmonary diagnostics and therapy are performed:

  • diagnostics and therapy of acute and chronic illnesses
  • upper and lower breathing paths
  • asthma and COPD diagnostics and therapy
  • pneumonia diagnostics and therapy
  • early diagnostics of lung carcinoma
  • diagnostics of metastatic changes in lungs
  • diagnostics and therapy of chronic coughing
  • therapy of pulmonary congestion (with cardiologist consultation)
  • allergy diagnostics and therapy


  • Spirometry
  • Bronchodilatation testing (with Berodual, Spalmotil)
  • Bronchprovocation testing (provocation by physical exercise on treadmill)


  • Dermal testing-prick allergy testing on inhalation allergens


  • Complete biochemistry, microbiology diagnostics, and tumor markers (in cooperation with referent laboratory facility).


  • Inhalation therapy (bronchodilatator, inhaled corticosteroids)
  • Infusion therapy
  • Intramuscular therapy


Spirometry is procedure for testing of lung ventilation capability. With this method lung capacities and volumes are measured. Spirometry is diagnostic method, but it also provides therapy controlling. It is necessary in diagnostics and therapy of obstructive pulmonary illnesses (asthma, COPD), restrictive illnesses (lung fibrosis, congestive heart failure) or mixed disorders.

Procedure is very simple: patient breaths in spirometer through mouth with his nose closed with soft nose clips. First normal breathing is recorded. After that patient starts with forced respiration following doctors instructions. With professional help and patient cooperation in short time and with small effort we get valuable records about patient lung capacity and volume.

Bronchodilation test

It is and Important diagnostic method used for differential diagnosis of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

It is performed under repeated spirometric tests in which the patient receives a certain amount of bronchodilatation drugs (B2 agonist / or anticholinergics)

Monitoring of lung function, and its parameters, primarily FEV1, determine the degree of reversibility of the bronchial obstruction. That way, with the high degree of certainty, asthma and COPD are diagnosed, which is highly important for the further treatment and therapeutic procedures.

Peak-flow meter monitoring

Peak- flow meter is used for patients with bronchial asthma follow up, as well as for diagnostics of dyspnea (shortness of breath) of unknown origin.

Peak-flow meter

Peak flow meter is the simplest test used for asthma severity control for patients in household conditions.

It is simple, small device that enables patient to follow up his illness in comfort of his home. Therapy is determined based on data received using peak flow meter and doctor gets precise data needed for new drug introduction in case of illness worsening or drug discontinuity in case of good results.

Simple blowing in peak flow meter measures air flow in airways which is used for illness follow up. Technique is simple. For example for children the way of blowing is described as blowing birthday candles.

Also the device is very important for diagnostics of all conditions and illnesses that involve shortness of breath of unknown origin.

Considering all conveniences of treatment and patient follow up in our clinic most patients with obstructive lung problems we recommend this method for illness follow up.

Practice showed that this method combined with patient cooperation optimizes therapy results.

PA lung analysis

It is a very important and non-invasive diagnostic procedure. Today it is used almost as a standard part of the pulmonological examination. Reading of the X ray is performed under very strict order. First of all, it is important to determinate whether the patient has taken an adequate dose of radiation, but also whether he took proper position while the shooting was conducted.

All structures in the image are studied by a specific order. The appearance of the soft tissue is first to be checked, then bone and articular structure on the image. Thereafter, the hemitorax is examed. It analyzes the appearance of pulmonol, pl. fields, and hilum. The hilovaskular pattern and the position of the diaphragm is analysed, as well as the appearance of FC sinuses. The appearance of cardiac shadow and part of the aorta that can be seen in the video are also examed. The appearance of any pathological change in the footage demands a detailed description of the change.

The change is further described by the localization, shape, size, intensity, and limitation of the homogeneity of the surrounding tissue. The mere look of the change is an important diagnostic information that determine further diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Working Hours
  • Mon - Fri
    08:00 - 19.00
  • Saturday
    08:00 - 14.00
  • Sunday
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